An Easter Story

Liz Lazarus with copy of Free of Malice

Making goods things happen

I recently received the following message:

“Hello! I have an unusual request. My daughter, Shelli, was at the event this past weekend and met you! She so enjoyed meeting you and getting the signed copy of your book. After she returned home, she was reading it in bed and laid it down to shower. When she returned, her mini Chihuahua Bessie had chewed part of the cover and the corners of the book off. She is very outdone, to say the least. She was so touched by your story and so very proud that signed book. I am interested in purchasing her another (copy of your book) for Easter and wanted to see if you could sign it as well. Let me know if you can help. Thanks for being an example for empowering women!!!”

So, I offered to send a complimentary replacement copy. I mean, what a great mom to see her daughter upset and to find a way to make it right. I decided to also send the music CD that goes with the book as a bonus to show that when something bad happens, something so much better can be a result. I’ve felt that first hand – writing about my attack in college has led to a published book and a speaking tour that is thankfully touching a lot of women.

Shelli, I hope you enjoy the replacement copy of Free of Malice and the music —  I’m sure you already know it, but what a terrific mom you have!

All my best,


One thought on “An Easter Story

  1. Oh my goodness! Liz! I am already technology disabled, and got a new phone the day Shelli got her book and totally missed this video. I am stij struggling to use this phone lol! After we messaged back and forth, I kept looking to make sure I had not missed something and Shelli just found this sweet video, then sent me the link. We are both baffled at your generosity! I CAN’T SAY ENOUGH ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU HAVE BLESSED US BOTH! THANKS AGAIN! May God bless you!!


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